Looking in the rearview mirror can often provide us with incredible perspective…but we don’t want to keep looking backwards, either.
I love myself for who I am and what I’ve become.
People appreciate my authenticity. I’m a good person. I’m honest, at times – to my own detriment.
To say that I’ve been struggling in that one compartment of life; to say that I feel humiliated by the one person I trusted the most in my life – is an understatement.
I found myself hiding without even realizing it. Afraid to go out in public in fear that I might bump into someone, I hadn’t realized it until I had no other choice but to get my own shit done around town. It’s much easier to keep myself in my confident little bubble, over here.
It’s not fair.
There is no reason I shouldn’t be able to walk through my day without worry, with my head held high – where does the humility come from? Good people don’t do things to other people, just to hurt them, and I never would do that to someone.
Everyday we’re faced with challenges – how do we get through it? Sometimes, you just need to rip off the Band-Aid, dig in and get it done.
A month or two ago I finished another great read – The Five Second Rule by Mel Robbins.
Procrastination has been something I’ve struggled with through the years in very different areas of my life. Of course, we typically can put off the tasks we aren’t thrilled with – but once they are done…we don’t have to dread it anymore.
Mel’s five second rule takes it to the next level. I strongly encourage you to read or listen to the book! I don’t want to give away all her information but essentially, when we are faced with activities throughout your day counting down from 5 to 1 and “launching” yourself into action – eliminates the “feelings” part of what were dreading. It simply…becomes a business transaction.
I tend to add a drop of the shoulders and a few deep breaths into that practice. (Check out the video on YouTube).
Living in fear is one of the most unpleasant and unproductive things you can keep doing in your life.
When you are faced with a feeling or realization that you might be doing the same – ask yourself why. What’s behind the feeling will be telling. Once you are aware – you have the power to make a choice.
Are you going to keep living in fear…or are you going to conquer that fear and begin living your life?
The choice is yours.
Join us on the Podcast this week as we talk about inner strength – diving a little deeper.
I hope you have a wonderful weekend with the ones you care about most.
Thinking of you, and sending you love.