When your heart speaks, say it.
What is your love language? I implore you to find an online quiz and find out what yours is. It’s not just for romantic relationships – it literally defines ALL your relationships in life, including the one you have with yourself.
Quality time is the most important thing to me in all my relationships. And I’ve known that for years, honestly. It wasn’t really a surprise to me. And some of the best times I have with myself is just quiet time in the woods walking, or writing – just time to reconnect with myself.
Yesterday was a snowy day here, and I found myself lost in thought about the best snow day I ever had with a partner, it was 2022 and we just spent the day snuggling, laughing, and enjoying each other’s company. The thought snowballs into one of my favorite nights we spent together just laughing all night, being silly, and being wrapped in his arms dancing in the kitchen. Quality time.
I miss that greatly – but instead of being sad (although I was for a moment, and again while I write it), I switch my initial sad thought of lack and not having that in my life, right now – to being grateful for that wonderful and loving experience and then end the thought with the hope that I will experience many more of those in my lifetime. It was that quality time that meant the world to me. Not fancy gifts.
We are meant to give and receive love freely – it’s our experience that inherits that. But it is also our job to heal and let love in again, most importantly – to love ourselves. No matter how much I struggle accepting what that reality is, my love never fades.
So much love comes and goes from us in our lifetime, but the one that must remain is the love you have for yourself. It’s easier for some than others. Being able to share my journey with you and help just one person see how magnificent they are, is my goal. You deserve to be happy and feel love.
I spent so much of my life hating myself. It started in early childhood, being fed words of negativity, abuse, and feeling worthless. When you are told things about yourself for long enough, you begin to believe them.
I carried that awful feeling into adulthood, hating my body to the point where I didn’t feel I deserved to feel happy. I let it prevent me from living in the moment, engaging in activities that I really WANTED to do, but stopped myself.
I have spent the last eight years of my life reflecting and growing all the parts of me that needed extra love. Becoming aware of my “why” in all of my relationships, healing from my tumultuous mentally and physically abusive childhood, realizing the impact it had on my entire adulthood, raising children, going through divorce, finding myself, and then finally, dating and MORE rediscovery.
At times, it felt heavy – others, it felt so freeing.
We can’t heal what we’re avoiding. Once we become aware of what we’re doing in our relationships, we can figure out why we do what we do, and then we can begin doing the work towards healing from those wounds.
When we love ourselves, we open ourselves up to receiving unconditional love from others.
I see you.
I hear you.
I love you.
I believe in you.
I am proud of you.
You are so capable of achieving everything you want in life, just let go. Don’t wait another day, life is too short!
Sending you love.