Energetically speaking, once you have made a connection – we still stay connected. But you must nurture your connection.
We do not stop loving those people we lose; the distance makes our connection staticky, and then the love fades over time.
When was the last time you were able to connect with yourself?
I feel like I have been circling back to my roots and trying to live with intention – now that is all I hear about – doing it with intention.
Everyone is waiting. If I have learned one thing thus far, it would be to not leave your destiny in anyone else’s hands. Live with your own intention.
We underestimate the small habits.
If you went to bed 1 hour earlier, that’s an extra 365 hours of sleep a year.
If you read 10 pages a day, that’s 3,650 pages a year.
If you lost 1 lb. a week, that’s 52 lbs. in a year.
If you walked a mile a day, that’s 365 miles a year.
Don’t underestimate the small stuff, it adds up – more than you think.
Both good and bad.
Think about snoozing an extra hour each day, choosing an hour of Netflix over your workout, passing on healthy food and eating junk instead.
The small stuff creates big results in our lives. It may seem like it doesn’t matter today but think about the small choices and how they compound over time.
Will your choices today get your where you want to be a year from now?
I think what we lack as a whole is intention or being true to your intention.
Great things begin when you begin living your truth.
I’ve always felt like I was meant for more, I just didn’t know what it was.
Life has this funny way of working itself out, and sometimes it’s SO HARD to let go and let it happen.
I truly believe that letting go (for me) is indeed the hardest part – as a mom, as a partner, as a friend, and as a coach.
I learned some painful lessons in the last year, and they all boil down to letting go.
I do not have control over anyone else, other than myself. This was hard even in my coaching practice – I can lead them in the direction of a solution…but I cannot do the work for them, no matter how frustrating it may get.
Let them do what they want, their action will be your answer. Remember how they treat you – not what they say. Words are just words; action is what counts.
Letting go is the hardest part.
And on the other side… effort is the biggest indicator of interest. This without a doubt – includes your own.
What are you focusing on? When we focus our energy on good, positive solutions, that will be the outcome. Live with intention.
I am free.
I live with intention.
I live my truth, every day.
I am grateful for the ability to give love and kindness to others.
Sending you so much love!