You know you’re going to have a good week when you get your Brazilian wax and your hair done in the same week – it’s fire.
I left my wax girl a Google Review, who does that?
But you know what – she’s a kind soul. Who else would I want to be sitting there with, my legs in the air as she pours hot wax on my vagina – while we talk about boys and jobs and life? No one.
I really love where I am in life right now. Nothing is perfect, but I feel good in my own space, my accomplishments, and the excitement for what’s coming next!
The Podcast is growing, and the topics are getting deeper and making more of an impact!
“How was your Mother’s Day?” is always among one of those commonly tossed around phrases the week following the big day.
While asked – I recall scrolling through my social media feed observing all the “I’m so grateful” posts (nothing wrong with that!) – but I’m here to say the things that no one really wants to admit.
How was my Mother’s Day? Weird. Being a single mom is hard on any holiday, for me anyway. There is no partner to encourage the kids to do something nice, or make you feel special. No family gathering with my own mom, sister, or other family. Sometimes, it’s painful to see – longing for my own.
I think as moms it’s easy to feel like you’re constantly doing, and giving, and doing… Resentment can and will build. Unsaid expectations to your partner, your kids, everyone while you’re busy “doing.” Oddly enough – I don’t even have that. When my kids were little, it seemed so special – there was a lot of effort on all accounts.
And IT IS important to be grateful – and I AM grateful for everything in my life – but yesterday?
My kids fought. All. Day. If it wasn’t one thing, it was another.
I slept in (which was the only thing I desired) – Matthew made me French toast (which was delicious) and a giant mess in the kitchen.
Around 11am I encouraged them to go bring their stepmom the gift I picked out and purchased, and within ten minutes Matthew returned on his own baring comments from his older sister.
The ten minutes of silence was much appreciated.
Alright – before I get crucified for being a bad mom…I’m tired!
Being a single mom – we’re doing all the things. And yes, I have an ex-husband who is present and helps with the kids.
It’s seemed in the last few years there’s a growing movement of “giving mom off for Mother’s Day” in much the same way dads have gotten to leave to go golf (or insert your favorite activity).
I guess one lesson I’ve learned in the last decade and sometimes need to remind myself of in certain situations is – that if I want something, it’s up to me to make it happen. I am the one that is going to manifest that shit.
I’ve got so many balls in the air right now, I hadn’t really considered the holiday mixed in. I can say that next year – I think I’m going to ask for the day off and go get a massage, lunch, or something special for myself.
Don’t judge me for it – it’s a good lesson to your children: mom is taking care of herself, and treating herself because she works really hard and deserves it. Period.
We are setting the example for our children, every single day. Taking care of yourself and your mental well-being – is a positive one!
They are literally my favorite humans, and I am immensely proud of the people they are becoming every day. Momming teenagers isn’t easy – and we’re all learning together.
I AM very grateful for all of these experiences, the good ones, the bad ones, and the ones I’d rather skip over – have the biggest impact on what we do next.
In the end it was a good day – after everyone got their crabbiness out.
We ordered Chinese food for dinner and watched the minion movie while consuming my favorite ice cream and folding laundry.
I left the kitchen for today.
I hope your Mother’s Day was great – and it was filled with love and happiness and was exactly what you wanted. You deserve it! 💕
Thinking of you, and sending you love.