You can literally feel when it’s time to step into the next chapter of your life.
I have felt so “stuck” for too long. Meeting resistance (inside myself).
I am stuck on lost love, lost friends, and most of all – that I didn’t mean to those people, what they meant to me and not focusing enough on my new beginning. There was no closure – and that is something that I need to accept and move on.
We go through so many ebbs and flows depending on the season that you’re in at the time. It is during those more difficult times that we reflect and build.
It’s about leveling up each time.
I’ve said it before – I am (we are) a culmination of every conversation, book, advice I’ve sought.
There’s no other way to put it – it all hurts and the not feeling good enough or wondering why you had to bear the hurt that others bestowed upon you can be debilitating at times.
This year, it’s about living all my truths. The good, the bad, and the ugly – and so far, living authentically has upped my game. And I need to continue that path.
A few years back I remember writing “I wish there was a vat of confidence I could be dipped down into like a flea dip”. As you emerge from the liquid you’re beaming with confidence, nothing can stop you.
The vat of confidence – is literally us, being authentic, filling our cups, and focusing on the good in front of us…everyday!
This next level will require us to let people go instead of proving our worth to them. It’s about accepting the fact that the truth will come out eventually, and while I traverse my new path I will discover that same authenticity in my new tribe.
I was watching an interview with Kenny Chesney, and he said it took some time but when he became truly authentic to himself, is when everything really took off.
When we lead our lives in authenticity, honesty, and truth – every day, that is when life begins – and some people never reach that.
How sad is that?
I think we all go through lessons whether you realize it or not.
We build walls to protect ourselves and sometimes on the other side – it doesn’t make sense until we are on the receiving end of it, going through our own battle.
It’s time that gives us perspective on so many things and the truth eventually will surface, and people may get their “ah-ha” moment. Until then – it’s out of our control.
I have a few limiting thoughts I’ve been carrying around for longer than I care to admit – which helps bring to light why I still felt the way I did.
It’s really time I stopped standing in my own doorway and crossed the threshold.
Life is as beautiful or terrible as we make it. If you’re walking around everyday feeling like a victim – what’s wrong with that guy? That’s dumb.
That will be your outcome.
I watched a really interesting documentary called “Heal” – a testimony to exactly how incredibly powerful our thoughts are.
Our thoughts control the outcome of everything we do.
And it’s not just sharing a positive affirmation and walking away criticizing the person next to you. It’s about embodying your own practice. Your own self-love practices.
There are so many interesting takeaways from this – we are so used to feeling bad, that we are afraid of what feeling good might feel like. I am also no stranger.
When we associate this to our relationships and most importantly the one, we have with ourselves – what’s the thought?
We live in a world of infinite possibility – choose what you want, not what you don’t want. Focus on that.
I urge you to start a gratitude practice for yourself – and I start here because we get so caught up in what we wish we had in order to feel happy.
It’s perfectly normal to “want more”, but we miss the things we have right in front of us.
Pay attention to the good things as they happen – not after it’s too late and they are gone.
Ruin is the road to transformation. – Elizabeth Gilbert
I live by three simple rules:
Love needs action.
Trust needs proof.
Sorry needs change.
True love takes an immense amount of vulnerability – and as I begin to move forward and open my heart to new possibilities, it’s scary.
True love is raw and beautiful, sometimes painful – and purposeful and it often will break us in order to recreate us.
Love is intimacy. Love tears down the walls we build up ourselves, and with the right partner – we take off our own armor because love is supposed to be a safe place where we can finally just “be”.
Moving forward is scary. Another layer of letting go is scary. But the part I struggle with the most – is my ability to let my guard down with someone new; the only one I’m punishing is myself.
Going back to what is comfortable, is easy – whether it’s a feeling, a place, or a person…but in order to grow, we must move forward.
We find validation in very unhealthy places sometimes. And I definitely fell back into some old habits. It’s time to put my fucking phone down and get lost in the love I give.
Those things no longer serve us.
Loving yourself IS the action.
Trust yourself. Your decision IS the proof.
Forgive yourself. For not honoring yourself, settling for less than the truth, and not listening to your own intuition (especially before we knew better).
I don’t want to be sad anymore, it’s time to turn the page.
ALWAYS thinking of you, and sending you love.
P.S. Psychology says:
Go with the choice that scares you the most, because that’s the one that’s going to help you grow.