Today was the perfect ode to my dad; I spent a good portion of the day in the dirt with the kids planting in the garden.
I lost my dad seventeen years ago today. I can’t believe I can even say anything was seventeen years ago, honestly. Seems crazy, and I miss him greatly.
My dad loved his plants. I like to think I inherited his green thumb, I’m probably not quite as dedicated as he was – and if you knew him, you know exactly what I mean. But I do love flowers and digging in the dirt; and after you’re all finished, sitting back and looking at the beauty I created.
The hydrangea on the right of Emily was my dads, I’ve moved it with us, twice. It’s filled with buds, I can’t wait for it to bloom.
I’m grateful that I didn’t allow myself to dwell on the loss of my father, and instead be in the present with my kids. ❤️
For years I’d stress over things I can’t control, it’s amazing what happens when you let go. Things have a way of working themselves out. So many possible changes on the horizon, and everything will happen the way it’s supposed to.
I seem to be in this endless circle of struggle, like so many of us are. I haven’t been running, or getting to the gym regularly. I’ve reached this point in cross fit where I started feeling like I’m behind everyone else. I know it really doesn’t matter, we all start somewhere. I let this get in the way of my focus; then I’m pissed at myself for not making more progress. BUT tomorrow is a new day, a new beginning with endless possibilities.
My work/life balance may change considerably in the near future. It’s both exciting and terrifying. But, change is good and who knows what the future will hold.
“Work spares us from three evils: boredom, vice, and need.” – Voltaire
Considering any chance at happiness in life ❤️