I wish more people knew healing yourself is about being still. Laying in the sun, being present while you eat your food, listening to the sounds of nature, sitting in the stillness, and letting your imagination run wild.
“Tell me what you’re feeling
I can take the pain
Tell me that you mean it
Tell me what your heart wants
Such a simple thing
My heart is like paper
Yours is like a flame
I can’t make you see
If you don’t by now
I’ll get through these changes
– Ray La Montagne
Pull up a chair and get uncomfortable with me for a while – that’s one of my favorites, and what I might be known for. I don’t steer clear from an uncomfortable conversation (I might be dying inside, but I still do it anyway). If we aren’t clear or direct, we’re wasting time. People have lives to live.
Do it with intention, or not at all.
I’ve worked with several different types of coaches throughout my journey. Each of these mentors had a different perspective, and insight at any moment and have brought me to where I am now. I’ve done years…literally years of soul searching and am so in tune with myself. You can give in to the void, or you can try to find meaning, and grow. It’s really as simple as that. What do you want?
Don’t let the fear of what could happen, make nothing happen.
Gaining an objective perspective from someone who has been in your shoes can help you to see through the woods – you can’t accomplish that on your own. So, whether it be a therapist, or a coach, explore another perspective, I think you’d be pleasantly surprised!
I would love to help guide you to find your passion again – help you find your true self. It all begins within, and no one else can do that for you, but with the proper guidance you’ll be well on your way!
Make the goal to be living the life you don’t feel like you need to escape from all the time.
Learn to enjoy what is right in front of you…and build the life you want to live, every single day. Don’t tell me it’s impossible!
You only have one shot, make it count. Think outside the box.
All those little things you love to do on vacation can be achieved at home too – could you imagine how much better you would feel if you took the time to enjoy your morning coffee outside (weather permitting)? Or taking a walk after dinner? We spend so much time trying to tread water in our daily lives until we’re about to go under, and then we might spend our weekend muddling through tasks or sleeping the day away.
Maybe we will take a vacation; maybe spend a week reflecting (which is a great thing!) – but what if we filled the life raft at home sometimes too. Give ourselves a hand. You are so INCREDIBLY worth it!
You owe yourself one hour a day of self-maintenance. It can be anything – reading, writing, yoga, meditation, painting, a walk – WHATEVER! One hour is less than 5% of your day, and it matters. Start filling your cup!
Learn to rest, not to quit.
Procrastinating is a coping mechanism.
Sometimes, starting is the hardest part. I procrastinate on some of the silliest things sometimes, and then something like, my career change is a mixed bundle of excitement and fear. I BELIEVE IN YOU. That’s all you need. I absolutely know in my heart, you can accomplish whatever you set your mind to. It may not look like a mirror image of what you thought it might, but I’m telling you – put it out into the universe, and buckle up, because it’s headed right to you!
Not all of us have a support system – just remember the people who are your biggest critics, are usually those who are the most unhappy with themselves and their own environment. They may look at you and criticize whatever you’re doing, but really, they are just insecure in their own space, and looking at what you’re accomplishing and thinking they can’t accomplish what they want themselves. It’s a defense mechanism and really, pay no mind. Let them do their own work.
The gap between the life you want, and the life you are living is called, consistency, focus, and mindset. That’s it!
Begin to live the life you imagined – start it today. Close your eyes and think about what brings joy into your life? When do you feel the happiest? If you find things that make you feel good, start there, and keep expanding and building your feel-good list.
Once you have your list (it will continue to grow over time) – then you need to start to make those things happen more often in your life. Don’t let your shyness or self-esteem issues get in the way because it’s only you who hears those negative thoughts.
Stop making comparisons with other people’s expectations of you. Spend some time with yourself and do and think how you want to. This is your life, no one else is going to live it for you.
Are you building the life you want, or are you building your life around what someone else wants? Or what you the way you think you’re supposed to?
My goal is to wake up every morning and feel overwhelmingly grateful about the kind of life I’ve created for myself; and I am! I Can’t wait to have a partner to share these happy beautiful moments with; for now, I am so happy to share them with you!
Love isn’t a feeling – it’s an ongoing commitment to being the best version of ourselves.
Get clear. What does your heart want?
Sending you so much love!