I’m a mom on a mission to find balance.
Reset. Readjust. Restart. Refocus. As many times, as you need to.
I lost a total of five pounds in the month of August, I’m pretty happy with that considering all the parties and everything that goes along with it.
I’ve been managing to get to CrossFit and Yoga each once a week. Ideally, I need something every day and I am determined to fit that in, somehow.
I always want more, I think it’s only natural. I want more progress, in a shorter amount of time that’s for sure. Consistency is definitely key, this is nothing I didn’t know already. Yoga has made a huge impact on my flexibility. It’s nothing I noticed immediately except for last week after yoga, the next day just bending down and reaching for my feet was wayyyyy easier and I am ALMOST THERE. I’m loving yoga 🙂
We’re approaching the beginning of school this week, summer flew by. I’ve been back wearing this full-time working mom suite for two months now. I won’t lie, it’s been a struggle. I sometimes feel like I am seeking this work/life balance that just doesn’t exist, but I’m determined. My biggest problem is admitting I need help.
I’m running errands on my lunch break trying to accomplish it all because they’re simply just aren’t enough hours in the day. My little munchkin turned two last week and I spent way too long standing in the aisle contemplating between pink and red polka dot Minnie Mouse. Did this really happen?
As I run from work, to pick up my two oldest, then to football, then to get my youngest, then to the house, then back to football, and maybe hit up the field hockey field in there somewhere – the rushing around town gets to me.
Having to be in two places at once that couldn’t even be on the same side of town gets stressful, but I can always count on my little guy for the most interesting car conversation. I’ve actually told him to start writing it all down because there’s no possible way I could remember to look up everything he asks me. “Mom, who invented Halloween?” Oh good, I just found a cheese stick in my purse.
And… when everyone is where they need to be…I started handing off the baton a few days a week. That’s when I get to the gym.
Everyone I’ve met at cross fit has been very encoraging, we all started somewhere. I spent tonight practicing the power clean, I topped out at 80 lbs. Progress everyday.