There is no such thing as being too busy. If you really want something, you’ll make time for it. Fill your cup first.
I did something a little uncharacteristic of me; I spent the last 24 hours with myself as my highest priority. It took planning, a few weeks in the making; and I hemmed and hawed over 1. Taking the time and 2. Doing something frivolous for myself. After a little debate with a few close friends, I decided to follow through.
It was time to take time out for me, some self-love motivation. I’ll be a better mom if I do and I’m not going to feel guilty about it. I refuse. Sometimes I think we wind up playing the martyr role, and I don’t want to do that.
No one is going to push us out the door, so we need to do it ourselves. I had an amazing day recharging my batteries and returned refreshed.
I started off last night in Yoga, it was the perfect start. I always feel amazing after yoga; mind, body, and soul. Today, I spent some time alone, met someone special for lunch and good conversation. And the ride home, could not have been more beautiful and I was so glad I made the decision to bring my camera along. Ever since I was Kid one of my favorite things to do was to sit outside at night while it was snowing. There’s so much held in that silence, calm – I missed it yesterday between work and kids, but I think I made up for it today.
I am so very grateful for where I am right now in this moment. Grateful for good conversations with people I care about, grateful for who my kids are becoming, and grateful I was able to take the time today to recharge.
Sending love