Have you ever wanted something for so long you don’t know what it feels like not to want it? Yeah, I’m there.
What’s on my mind
I finally feel like I can write again. Although with the crazy week I’ve had it’s taken me several days to do so. I actually started this ten days ago, and naturally my mind is on a million different topics. What’s that saying? If you want to know what a woman’s mind is like, imagine an open browser with 3,241 tabs open. All. The. Time.
I literally started like three different blogs over the last few weeks, and didn’t get back to any of them. So…here it goes.
Self-love is an everyday struggle. We all change and evolve and every experience changes us, all of us.
Every person we meet has an impact on us. The way we think, react, feel, and the actions we take later.
I’ve been battling myself for weeks. I have this need of validation, in all courses of my life. It had more to do with value than anything. You(me) just want to matter, and you’re an important piece of the puzzle, and I don’t feel like I should have to prove myself or compete for your time. The only one I am in competition with is myself. Another inner struggle, all reminders.
New beginnings – strength in numbers
Never stop pursuing what you want.
After starting her since starting this blog is so nice to have people that I can share my experiences and then at common goals. I’m an introvert at heart, my closest friends know this. Hearing from people I don’t even know that they love my blog and it motivates them, makes me happy. I’m a pleaser, I like to help people, and I’m glad reading about my own struggles helps someone else.
During the month of February I completed on ramp training to participate in cross fit. I am SO excited! I’ve tried so many different things throughout the years, I still love spin, and running (half marathon is two months away!!) but I love trying new things. I enjoy not doing the same thing every time I step into the gym and I love the comradery. We’re all here for different reasons, but we’re all here to try our hardest and kick some ass.
I was pleasantly surprised by words of encouragement by random strangers my first week (being the introvert I am) as I was anxiously waiting for my training to begin as the class before was finishing and coming out.
My biggest fear is being the one to hold up the class. I don’t mind if I can’t lift as much (or that I care to) or can’t do quite as many reps. After completing my last training, I let that go. We all start somewhere, and I’ll get there and be the one to encourage the next new comer. I can’t wait for my first official class on Monday.
And holy gorgeousness the last few days here. I can’t wait for spring, fresh air, running outside (not freezing). It always gives me a feeling of new beginnings and possibilities.
Exercise is my happy place, and I’m a better wife and mother when I have those endorphins in full swing. Can’t wait to take advantage of this weekend to get some miles in!
Mom Life
I’ve worn many different hats; stay at home mom, full time working mom, and work from home mom. I’m currently a work from home mom. While I wouldn’t give up the flexibility for anything (how many days have kids been home sick?), it’s by far the hardest in my humble opinion. Constantly pulled in different directions, I am the master of multitasking (so says me), between drops offs, sick kids, doctors visits, sports (mom taxi), other after school activities, oh, and work :). I wouldn’t trade it, even the days when I’m working and Evelyn is climbing all over me.
I don’t know where I’ll be in a month, a year from now, or ten years from now. Follow your heart and do more of what makes you happy. Love every moment.