I hate clutter, all kinds. It drives me crazy, but I have to live with it to an extent. I’ve got three kids, It’s impossible to avoid it at this point. But each day I try to do something to combat that. It’s August and before you know it school will be starting (I’m not trying to rush summer it’s just a fact. August flies by every year and this one is just as busy as the last).
Every year around September I vow to myself not to be a sucky mom. I’m going to make sure to get all money/permission slips in on time. I’m going to make them healthy lunches every day and greet them with healthy snacks off the bus. I’m going to make it on time to drop offs, pick-ups, practices etc., otherwise, mom guilt.
I envy the moms who seem to have it all together, then I realize some just hide their chaos better than, say, me 🙂
I just want to feel like I’ve got my shit together BEFORE the year starts. I’ve got my own crazy schedule going on; add in school, football, gymnastics, field hockey…the list goes on. So…I’ve pinned some (okay, like hundreds) of ideas to get a handle on all of it. I made some major strides in that area a few years ago but I added more last night. (pictured below). Never stop improving, it applies to all areas of my life.
This is like my “command center”. Being in a small house I have to make good use of the space I do have, and I think I do a pretty good job of that. The incoming mail goes in the teal basket, junk mail gets tossed immediately. On the right I have a section for important papers for each child and one specifically for Scouts (boy and girl). On the top there’s a spot for their new weekly schedules so I know who has what each day (let’s remember sneakers on gym days, etc.).
Cabinet space is limited so I utilize these baskets for a multitude of things. One contains kid snacks – it makes it easy when they pack their lunches, grab a dry snack and a fruit. I also keep a small supply of plastic utensils they can grab for yogurt etc. The bottom two contain lunch boxes/water bottles, and extra paper products. It’s working well, I sometimes wonder how I functioned without this all these years.
Then comes the other part…also located in my kitchen (the hub). The calendar
It’s a little sparse right now. Generally during the school year there’s notices, things to remember etc. I took this before I had my whole weeks menu filled out and activities get added daily, but you get the idea. One way to try and stay organized, no guessing what activity is what day,
One site I love to check back on now and again is http://www.abowlfulloflemons.net/ my idol 🙂 I love her ideas and style!
It’s a start, there will be more to come! I hope it helps!