Why is change so scary?
One year ago, I was working in a job that I loved, but in a toxic environment. Getting up in the morning was hard. I had a boss that made me feel worthless all day long. Everything felt heavy as I would walk through the office door. It was just a toxic, period. It was one of the hardest decisions I’ve ever had to make as an adult. Feeling comfortable, even in a place that brings you down – is familiar. We sometimes get caught up in what’s familiar because change can be so UNCOMFORTABLE.
But you know what’s on the other side of uncomfortable? Happiness.
In my newsletters this week – I’ve been focusing on manifesting change. If you don’t already subscribe, you’re missing out – get it right to your inbox by going to my website and entering your email address:
A long time ago I took a seminar for work – while the speaker was coaching the group how to “ask for help” in their lives at home, the co-worker I went with challenged everything she said.
She had raised her hand to plead her case, and the coach very politely poked at several attempts (while keeping good composure) to walk her to a solution.
My co-worker kept making excuse after excuse why she couldn’t possibly get help for what she needed to do at home because of reason 4,569 (endless excuses).
We ALL make excuses. What’s yours?
How do you perceive yourself? How do you want others to perceive and remember you? Have you ever thought about writing your own eulogy? What Do you want people to remember about you?
To get where we’re going, there are things we must do every day to fuel that goal – we need to EMBODY what it is we want.
We need to walk that walk, every single day. That’s when things start to change – when the actions…meet the words.
Are we really living the embodiment of our dreams? If there is something you want, you need to live it!
Think about your goal – you want to…
What do I need to do daily, to fuel the goal? Once we start acting, checking off those little boxes – they begin adding up to something big.
Deciding to put myself first, and leave my job – was the best decision I ever made.
Long ago I started this blog with the intent of sharing my journey and reaching my own weight loss and health goals. I embodied that, every day. Whether it was a run in the woods or weightlifting at the gym with my trainer.
Every day, I drank my water, tracked what it was I was consuming, got my movement in. Pretty simple. And those actions got me to my goals.
In time, I have come full circle, and I am now ready to tackle those health goals again – except I have all the knowledge behind me that I have been collecting over these last few years. I never stopped desiring to get healthy. That’s important to know.
My relationship with food has been a tumultuous one and this year with all its ups and downs has led me on an even deeper path of self-discovery. From making a really tough decision to leave a toxic work environment, to healing childhood traumas, to losing friendship and love – to building my own business and all that entails. It has been a year of absolutely heartache – and SO MUCH GROWTH. I am ready to EMBODY my healthy body!
I have spent the last several weeks working with my own coach on my own behaviors, routines, and nutrition – with Jay Cardiello. He has been nothing short of amazing, and patient as I re-enter a healthier lifestyle.
I do not believe I would be where I am right now, without three big influences I have gratefully met this year – Jay being one of them – Raj Trivedi and Eduardo Oropeza. It was nothing short of amazing, meeting and collaborating with these special people! Week after week we build the foundation together, for success!
I continue surrounding myself with people who push me to do better, every day. I surround myself with love and abundance – and you should too!
I look forward to continuing this journey with you by my side!
2024 WILL be the year of abundance!
Thinking of you, and sending you love!