Hey loves,
It’s been a minute, hasn’t it? I’ll be honest—writing a blog post hasn’t been on my radar lately. But let me tell you, it’s not because I haven’t been thinking about you all. It’s because I’ve been deep in the trenches, doing some major soul-searching and navigating this beautiful, messy journey of life—and I’m about to take you along for the ride.
In less than two weeks, I’m launching my first book! It’s been a wild, fulfilling, and exhausting journey that’s required every ounce of my energy, focus, and heart. But before we dive into that, I want to take a moment to reflect on what’s been happening in our space.
For the past few months, I’ve been offering a monthly membership program, and let me tell you—I am so fucking proud of the incredible women who have joined us. Watching you all show up, take action, and make real change in your lives has been nothing short of inspiring. Your commitment to growth is absolutely contagious.
We’ve been talking a lot about boundaries lately. And let me be clear: boundaries are NOT about building walls or shutting people out. Boundaries are about teaching others how to treat you—by the way you treat yourself. You are worth taking time for yourself. You are worth prioritizing. You are worth protecting.
And here’s a truth I’ve been sitting with lately: vulnerability isn’t a weakness. It’s strength. As Brene Brown beautifully puts it, vulnerability allows us to show up as our most authentic selves. It’s in the moments where we’re raw, real, and unfiltered that we truly tap into our power. Vulnerability opens the door to growth. It invites connection. It shows us that we are enough—just as we are.
This journey isn’t always smooth. We all have moments where we struggle to let go. Whether it’s a relationship, a job, a dream, or even old patterns of thinking, the act of releasing something can feel like failure. But here’s the truth: staying attached to something that no longer serves us doesn’t honor the effort we’ve already put in. Letting go doesn’t mean we failed—it means we are choosing to honor the space for what’s next. We are making room for growth, change, and possibility.
Our feelings are messengers. They’re not the enemy—they’re what guide us through the toughest times. Whether it’s anger, sadness, frustration, or joy, our emotions are here to help us work through what we need to release and what we need to embrace. And forgiveness? Well, forgiveness equals freedom. Holding onto resentment, regret, or guilt only weighs us down. Let it go, and step into the freedom of moving forward.
And that, my loves, is the beauty of what’s next. What’s waiting for you isn’t perfect—it’s full of possibility. The next chapter is waiting for you to take that step, even if you’re not sure of the path ahead. But you have the power within you to create the life you want. It’s already in you. I promise.
Growth doesn’t happen when we stay on the surface. It happens when we’re willing to dive deep, confront the messy parts, and do the work to transform ourselves. And here’s the kicker: it’s usually your mindset, not your skillset, that holds you back. We all have the tools we need to succeed—it’s our mindset that determines whether or not we move forward.
So, as I sit here on the brink of launching my book, I want you to know this: I am so proud of the work you’ve been doing. You are worthy of growth, of abundance, of everything your heart desires. Don’t let fear, doubt, or uncertainty hold you back. Step into your power and take action, because the world needs what you have to offer.
Thank you for being on this journey with me. I can’t wait to see what’s next—for all of us.
Sending you SO MUCH LOVE!