I’ve grown tired of chasing people. Life is too short, I don’t have time to waste on people that don’t want me in their life. We are here for a moment, just a moment and I can’t let that slip away from me, waiting. Treat me like I matter.
I found myself slipping into old habits. I’m restarting my eight week progression. I stopped taking time for myself.
Mom Life
Friday morning, 8am you’ll find me hot gluing sticks to poster board. Coffee in hand, I haven’t even put a bra on yet let alone gotten a shower. The oldest is making herself and her brother an egg and the baby is screaming because she’s eaten all the marshmallows out of her lucky charms. Judge if you will.
My morning began with “mom, how come the leprechaun didn’t do any tricks this year?” Ugh, #momfail. I just didn’t have it in me this year.
After all the crap of friday/St. Patty’s Day, I get an email… “I love your vibe” yes, that. And those are the people I’m grateful to interact with. People who encourage me, and want me to succeed and seem to genuinely care. Thanks Kris, that made my day! 😘
Just five weeks from today and I’ll be done with my half marathon – thanks Jen for the advice. I’m completely scared and can’t believe I’m doing this!
What doesn’t challenge you, doesn’t change you. 11 miles tomorrow… I hope I survive! I can’t wait for spring!!
I’m loving crossfit, I love that it’s something different every time, challenging, and exciting. Who would’ve ever thought a handstand would be in my goal list? Not me, that’s for sure but I totally want to be able to do one!