I love Mondays! No, I really actually do, especially early in the morning. I sit alone drinking my coffee (even if I can get 3 minutes and 45 seconds, just to think).
I’ve got cranky kids walking down the stairs and Evelyn using her yogurt as moisturizer. There’s a slight possibility I could be hiding in the bathroom.
Alright so maybe I like Mondays even a little more after drop off. There’s something magical about being able to clean without little people walking around behind you messing up everything you just did.
I just about locked myself in my office/laundry room yesterday, all day.
I started this project two years ago, kind of hard to believe. While it’s been basically done, there was one piece left to finish. I’ve been dreaming of this for five (yes, 5) years! There was always something more important. I’m elated that it’s done. Again, small house I need to work with what I have. I can never have enough natural light, I love it bright. It’s good energy.
This door is the last piece to the puzzle. It’ll allow the natural light from the front of the house into our family room. Naturally I took this at night, so it seems dark.
Having the door in and essentially done, I went on an organizing frenzy. This room tends to be a huge catch all…and you know clear the clutter, clear the mind.
I still need to hang a few thing in my office nook, but I’m quite pleased.
I sat there last night staring at it. I’ll post one before pic from years ago. It’s a huge change. I actually painted it that green, I was going through a funky phase apparently. I like it much better now 😬