As I’m driving from errand to errand, the baby is screaming, and my boss is texting asking if I’m available.
I got up at 5am today to work, so I’m not ignoring the kids all day. It’s spring break, and I don’t want my them to go back to school thinking they didn’t get to do anything fun; although we are leaving on a trip tomorrow anyway.
I lied to the soccer coach, told her we couldn’t make it to practice tonight, and lied to my son and told him there was no practice since it was spring break. Oops.
I just don’t have it in me tonight . Packing, work and cleaning. And up early again tomorrow to do the same.
I’m feeling bummed about work, I have that feeling like you’re waiting in the balance. It’s a is pretty worthless feeling, I have to say.
I know my potential and I know I add value. I know there’s more than this in the bigger picture, I just wish things would work out sooner than later. ❤️
I’ve spent any extra time between kids and work, getting the kids, and their clothes organized. Not exactly my kind of fun but it’s a necessary task.
Needless to say, it’s Tuesday and I feel like I put in a full week already!
It’s skinny pop and vodka for dinner! Up early to do it all over again! ❤️