I hope you had a very merry! All is calm after the craziness, and I’m finally starting to feel better; ready to start training. I’ve been in a rut for weeks. Feeling inadequate, impending holiday, waiting for inspiration. I could’ve skipped Christmas this year; first Christmas without mom, just not feeling it this year. I…
Crunch time
What a week to be sick! There’s way too much to do…and usually I work so much better under pressure. When I started writing this it was a week until Christmas…shopping, menus, wrapping, house, the list goes on and on. And it’s taken me this long to get back to it! Ah…#momlife! I let go…
What? Where? When?
I’ve fallen so far off the wagon I think it left without me! I don’t know where I’ve been! Ha! With the exception of these classes I’ve been taking every Tuesday at the gym, I’ve had no routine! I’m meandering through my days, not accomplishing much. My diet or lack thereof has been terrible. I’m…
I’m bored, but I have options!
Kind of tired of the everyday. I need to be excited about what I’m doing or I lose interest…fast. I could coast into the new year and keep indulging but I’m putting the brakes on. I’ve been just short of terrible since thanksgiving. So for the past two weeks I’ve been trying to step outside…
If you want it, take it.
Take risks. Don’t regret not taking a chance. I’ve had so much to reflect on this past year, so much has happened. Good, bad, and ugly. I had a really, really great time last night with a fun group of people. Many of us who’s lives changed tremendously in the past year. We’ve “grown up”…
Happy happy
And…what a year it’s been! So much change, growth, and emotion. I’m 35 and I still feel like I’m in my twenties. Excited for each new day and ready for any opportunity that presents itself. The best is yet to come! There’s always clarity after a pause – from anything. What a weekend, I over…
No Doubt
Thanksgiving has come and gone and now we are in that downward spiral of urgency. It’s too much for me. 2016 has been the year of experiences, I would much rather experience something then have more “stuff” but that’s me. I know I’ve said this before, the best gift you can give to anyone is…
I am open for something amazing. I started thinking about when I started blogging, I love it all. If I didn’t go through all that has happened in the past year I wouldn’t be where I am today. I can’t wait until May, (when I started my blog) and to see where I am and…
Lowering my expectations
Weighing in: Only down .8 this week. I had a great week, and psyched myself up for too much. Moving forward without distraction. It is what it is, and I’ve been on a good streak. So, I’ll take that .8 and add it to my 7 and that’s 7.8 in five weeks. If I…
I hate you. I love you.
Back to the gym today! I didn’t have a lot of time so I needed to keep it short but work hard so it was worth it. Something is far better than nothing. As much as I love working out, about halfway through I’m hating it. Talking myself into finishing it because I’ll kick myself…