Spring – what a wonderful opportunity for a new beginning. New mindset. Every experience has brought me to where I am in this very moment. It’s finally thawing out (or so it feels) here this week and I couldn’t help but have a smile on my face as I was riding around running errands for…
I’ll do everything within my own means to make the days count – not count the days. I lost both of my parents pretty young – on the cusp of retirement and they didn’t even touch on most of the things they wanted to do. You’ve got one shot, make it count. This is by…
Dear weekend, I love you
After the week I’ve had – I spent nearly the entire the day in bed, and I don’t even feel a tad guilty. The only time I left was to go to the doctor, get my blood work and pick up Chinese food tonight (which I ate in bed), because; why the hell not? Just over…
Worth the effort
Effort is the indicator of all interest and actions speak louder than words; I promise you, I am worth the effort. Just a quick check in on January success. More soon! My January reboot was a great success. While I did return to the gym, I made nutrition my focus. I managed to lose 7.8…
Project 2018
What you hear repeatedly, is what you believe. Who do you listen to every minute of every day? Yourself. What if you simply devoted this year to loving yourself more? Forget everything else. I am truly grateful for my struggle because without it, I wouldn’t have stumbled across my strength. I mentioned in a recent…
All me
There is no such thing as being too busy. If you really want something, you’ll make time for it. Fill your cup first. I did something a little uncharacteristic of me; I spent the last 24 hours with myself as my highest priority. It took planning, a few weeks in the making; and I hemmed…
Missing me
Did you know the average woman puts herself down at least eight times a day? Whether to herself or out loud in front of other people. I do it all day, but it has to end. Self-love. It has absolutely nothing to do with the way you look, but the way I see yourself. Open…
The struggle
There is so much growth in silence. I’m still here, just been busy and trying to figure things out. Learning to love yourself is a lifelong journey. Every day we are changing – evolving into the person that we were born to be; 2018 will be my year. A year for tremendous growth – always…
Happy hump day! Anything is possible. This week has been a much better balance, the balance I’ve been dreaming about. I strive to have my cake and eat it too. I want to put forward the best version of me, it all lights. The best mom, wife and lover, friend, employee…the list goes on. Being…
On a string
A year ago, I shared a quote: I have trouble articulating myself sometimes, but it’s simple: If someone wants to be in your life, they’ll make an effort to do so. Actions speak louder than words. When someone forces you to conform to only their schedule? I’m here, when I’m available – we’ll sync up…