“If you aren’t in over your head, how do you know how tall you are?” – T.S. Eliot Another week in and I’m down another pound, I’m good with that. I’m in week three of full time working mom mode. It’s actually given me much more structure (in a good way) for my diet at…
What a crazy good Monday! Sometimes, to appreciate where we are we need to reflect on how far we’ve come. I’ve been caught up in comparing myself, in all my relationships. Annoyed at myself for not having made more progress. Whenever I’m feeling inadequate about myself or my progress I take a look backwards. Although…
Yoga ready
Clearly not everything works out the way you want it to, it works out the way it’s supposed to. You are only in control of yourself. I have to remind myself of this constantly. Happy beginnings I’m down another two pounds this week, bringing this months total to six. Happy to be in this place,…
Summertime Approach
I woke up early and got to see the sunrise this morning. Every time I get to witness something so majestic as the sunrise over the ocean, I’m in awe. It kind of puts things in perspective for me. I let the little things get in the way sometimes and need a reminder to get…
I’m trying really hard to not stress about the things I can’t control. I had the best workout I’ve had in a long time today! I set my first deadlift PR @ 155! The energy in the gym was amazing! I’ve seriously been struggling with the gym, working out, and eating for months, it seems….
Consider this
Today was the perfect ode to my dad; I spent a good portion of the day in the dirt with the kids planting in the garden. I lost my dad seventeen years ago today. I can’t believe I can even say anything was seventeen years ago, honestly. Seems crazy, and I miss him greatly. My…
Don’t hold back
What you repeatedly hear you will believe, so be kind to yourself. Here’s the kicker, we need that positive mindset ALL the time. I need to focus on me, because at the end of the day I’m the one responsible for my own happiness, my own life; and everything will fall right into place…
Mother’s Day
Always held the second Sunday in May, Anna Jarvis founded Mother’s Day for sentiment, not profit. According to Wikipedia, “by the 1920’s and the commercialization of the holiday, Jarvis felt that people misinterpreted the idea. She argued that people should appreciate and honor their mothers through handwritten letters expressing their love and gratitude instead of…
One Year
This week marks a year (A YEAR) since I began writing my blog. If I have learned one thing about myself on this quest of self-discovery; I wish it hadn’t taken me 34 years to learn how to love myself, and know that I’m worth so much more than I give myself credit for. Treat…
Commentary from the finish line
There once was a girl with a crazy idea; “I’m going to run a half marathon” she said, “no big deal”. I’ve been training for this since December when said crazy idea came to mind and I whipped out my credit card and signed up. I was home alone and only under the influence of…