I hate it when people say I have no time. I hate it when I say I have no time; truth be told if it’s important enough to you, you’ll make the time. Period. With that said, I am taking the time today to plan out my menu for the week and my grocery list…
Yay! Sweet! After weeks (and more weeks) of gaining and losing the same few pounds…I finally made a breakthrough! Down 5 pounds! 🙂 I’ve been finding it hard to stay motivated lately, this helps though. I am truly, my own worst critic. I have a friend, who shall remain nameless, who talks (to) about herself…
It’s not weight or even health related, but I’m so excited I got this done I have to share. I finally finished the room for the girls! It took ten times longer than I wanted it to but I couldn’t be happier! Trying to squeeze two kids nearly ten years apart in age, on a…
Badass in training…update!
Okay I’m a little late. I was all excited to share my training session, but I was completely out of commission yesterday, strep throat – ugh. I never get sick (moms can’t get sick!), but I felt absolutely terrible. Fever, aches, sore throat, sweating, chills you name it. I spent the entire day in…
Chasing Daylight
I’m feeling pretty amazing right now. Nothing better than a super sweaty run at the end of the day…accept maybe a pool to jump in afterwards but ah well. I had the best run I have had I think since I was first pregnant; over a year ago. I’m not a fast runner and that’s…
Have Fun!
Happy 4th of July…a little late. I had a great weekend spending time with my family, getting tons accomplished, feeling recharged and ready for my week. Big changes coming this week – stay tuned! 4th of July is also my wedding anniversary, the hubs and I celebrated 14 years this year! Crazy how fast time…
My Everything Hurts
Just a quick note, as I have a very busy day and getting ready for the weekend. After my training with Rob yesterday; I was sore before I even went to bed, I knew this morning would be a challenge. Actually I could tell WHILE I was lunging that it wasn’t going to…
With each new day comes new strength and new thoughts
“With each new day comes new strength and new thoughts.” – Eleanor Roosevelt Happy Wednesday! (I know it’s late) I’ve had a super productive week so far, and its only Wednesday! Still clearing the clutter – it’s a daily process, one thing at a time. I’m getting myself organized, and can see the signs of…
To my teenage self, then and now: you’re beautiful just the way you are.
Transformation Tuesday – Four years ago and present day, still a work in progress I shared an article on my Facebook page earlier today about judgment. I’ve struggled with this my whole life. Never be anyone else’s judge; the overweight person trying to workout at the gym; trust me it was hard for them to…
I got mucky
Today was the day! I completed the MS Muck Fest 2016 as part of a great group of ladies, go #teamdirtygirls! It was so much fun! Finally got a proper shower (the hoses at the finish line just don’t do it!), and can relic in my day. I am wiped out! I was really anxious;…