This is 37 You are in charge of your own happiness. No one else is going to create it for you. It’s Tuesday night and I’m exhausted. Actually, that’s an understatement. We still have the whole week to go and every weekend is crazy. I’ve been evaluating everything in my day; how can I get…
I’m doing it
How often do you take the next step just because you feel it’s the right thing to do or that it’s just the next step? Going through the motions but not really loving, let alone wanting to do anything that you’re doing? There is nothing more beautiful than possibility. Be open. Nothing is impossible. I’m…
I am light, I am love
I am light. I am love. A new month, a new beginning. It’s been an incredibly insightful week and it feels so good. “Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together.” – Marilyn Monroe Don’t be afraid to say how you feel, tomorrow is never promised. So grateful for every experience…
The waiting place – letting go
I Never thought I was an all or nothing girl, but here I am killing it. I give 100% of myself to whatever I’m focused on. But…I sometimes focus on the wrong stuff. Why can’t I focus on more than one thing at a time? Why can’t I write, work, do the mom thing, and…
Be Happy
“Happy looks good on you” – no joke I heard that today. And I was taken back but then realized, yup this is how it feels. I’m happy. I’m not happy all the time. I don’t know anyone that is – but I’ll be the first to admit it. I’m not happy with my body,…
Commentary From Mile 7
Now that I’ve had a chance to recover (slightly), I wanted to share my experience and all that has been going on lately. I think I can consider myself a runner at this point. I know I don’t look like a runner but yesterday, I completed my second half marathon. I’ve completed twelve 5K races,…
Goal Getter
Goal Getter You don’t drown by falling into the water, you drown by staying there. I want to change everything and nothing all at once. What if things stay the same? What if they don’t? What if? What’s bothering you? What do you want to change? I listened to an audio book…
My why
Sometimes I run to burn off the crazy. I know I’ve said it before, I reach this doormat breaking point. Doing everything, for everyone and realize I’m stuck in this hole and can’t climb out of it and that’s when I realize – I need to exercise. It’s a vicious cycle – Overworked, stressed out,…
The biggest failure in any relationship is unsaid expectations. I’m not easy to love. I’m challenging, sensitive, and emotional. I do hold a lot on my shoulders having everyone else’s emotions affect my own. For years I let someone else hold my happiness in their hands – when in reality it has nothing to do…
Do it for you
Everything happens in its own time and every step of this journey has brought me to where I am today. “Stay committed to your decisions but stay flexible in your approach.” -Tom Robbins Three weeks of Keto and I’ve lost five pounds. I’m not super happy with that. It’s making me batty to be quite…