What do you think about when staring out the car window? I had every intention of blogging while I was away. I even started writing a little, while I was on the beach, but I wanted to wait, and I’m glad I did. Most of the time the words pour out of me, and sometimes…
One year – Up, down, and all around
This year has been nothing but a roller coaster. My youngest turns one in less than a week. It feels like some sort of victory – we made it. The sleepless nights, bottles, lots of firsts. And then I’m sad. Can’t believe she’s one already it truly feels like I just had her but so…
I spent much of my day head buried in work with my stressors swimming around in the background. It’s all about choices. Are my circumstances going to change if I’m stressing about it all day? No. So why put myself through that. I refuse to let it consume me. (This is me talking myself out…
True Story
I can’t sleep – this never happens to me! I’ve got so much stuff swimming around in my head; no one is going to want to read my blog if I’m not making any progress, what’s my deal? I had to have this discussion recently with a friend. Her response: people like your blog because…
What’s the dealio?
This is the earliest I have EVER started packing for vacation, I’m usually up til 2am the night before we leave frantically folding laundry and over packing. It’s so adult like 🙂 I even started a new playlist for those magical beach runs, I’ll share when I’m done. Summer is winding down, as we get…
Tired of talking? I am!
I am so ready for change/action. I’ve been floundering for weeks, distracted. Talking about eating right, working out etc. with very little result. I was afraid to make a move, take a chance. I was starting to feel defeated. It’s time to make a change. Whenever I need inspiration I hit the Google. I’ll search…
Peace of the Beach
I think my favorite part about vacationing at the beach is getting up while the house is still quiet and going for a walk or run on the beach…paired with a quiet cup of coffee staring at the waves. So much has changed in the last year, I need a break and clarity on things….
Get comfortable with being uncomfortable
Ever kick yourself for not jumping at the chance to do something? Then, only to wait and take the opportunity next time it presents itself – if it does? I learned my lesson too many times. The job you were too scared to take? The potential friends you could’ve made but lacked the nerve…
Weighing on kicking ass…week 2?
Hey, I said the end of last week didn’t end well. I kind of kicked ass the last few days, working out, eating well. But one day (or a few) isn’t going to make up for days of being bad. I jumped on the scale this morning..up 2. Okay then. My first thought “damnit, I…
Cruise Control
Every week, in fact every day, I have the opportunity to start fresh. I started out the week great last week and then as the week went on my food choices went downhill. 9 times out of 10 my day starts off great, as the day goes on things may slowly decline. Everyday stresses get…