I’ve been missing yoga, I haven’t been able to get there the past few weeks because of other commitments. It truly is my favorite day of the week, I really look forward to it. At the start of every class we set an intention, what is it you are looking to accomplish during this class….
The comeback is always stronger than the setback. I went through my week sore, I am sure today will be no different. Tuesday night was a daunting but amazing workout! What they refer to as a “chipper”, as you are “chipping away” at the crazy number of reps. 50 dumbbell thrusters, 40 alternating pistols…
Sometimes I come alive at night, this just so happens to be one of those nights. Whizzing through the house getting to all the “stuff” I’ve been making lists about for weeks. With school in full swing, we’ve entered survival mode! School has begun, and afternoon activities are in full swing. The first day of…
Mom on a mission
I’m a mom on a mission to find balance. Reset. Readjust. Restart. Refocus. As many times, as you need to. I lost a total of five pounds in the month of August, I’m pretty happy with that considering all the parties and everything that goes along with it. I’ve been managing to get to…
Get out of your own way already. Decide to let tomorrow be the day that you are stronger than your excuses and that you love yourself enough to make a change. Sometimes I cannot be tamed, when I know what I want I go after it and don’t give up until I get it. I…
Mindful Monday
Happy Monday! There’s no question to the fact that I’ve been struggling for a long time, with weight loss, among other things. It’s a weird place to be. I know what I need to do to make progress, yet held back and not moving forward. Losing weight really is a mental struggle, not always a…
Giving all of me
New month – endless possibilities! It’s only Tuesday and I already felt like it should be Friday. I am having a hard time adjusting lately to this whole working mom thing again. Maybe it’s because I’m so tired (just began week two of antibiotics for Lyme’s), maybe it’s because it’s summer, I miss my kids…
No hold up
“If you aren’t in over your head, how do you know how tall you are?” – T.S. Eliot Another week in and I’m down another pound, I’m good with that. I’m in week three of full time working mom mode. It’s actually given me much more structure (in a good way) for my diet at…
What a crazy good Monday! Sometimes, to appreciate where we are we need to reflect on how far we’ve come. I’ve been caught up in comparing myself, in all my relationships. Annoyed at myself for not having made more progress. Whenever I’m feeling inadequate about myself or my progress I take a look backwards. Although…
Yoga ready
Clearly not everything works out the way you want it to, it works out the way it’s supposed to. You are only in control of yourself. I have to remind myself of this constantly. Happy beginnings I’m down another two pounds this week, bringing this months total to six. Happy to be in this place,…