It all begins with a mantra: I live my life in abundant love. Sometimes it’s takes months of heartache, pain, laughter, and tears to pour your soul out onto the page. Sometimes, it’s triggered by a night of laughing so hard with your kids your face hurts, and sometimes… you listen or read something that…
F*&k that voice
Beautiful soul At any given point you have the option to change the future that lies before you. It’ll get messy and uncomfortable, but there is nothing worse staying in a place you don’t feel like you belong in to avoid “being uncomfortable” for a little while. I lost my light somewhere. Those of us…
Setting My Intention – 2020
Coming into this new year is all about change. It really has nothing to do with the calendar really, but my new chapter is beginning now and I am excited for it. About three years ago I began a practice, if you’ve been following, you’ll remember. I began a journey with meditation. Guided meditation was…
2020 Me
I’ve been writing, tons honestly, in the last seven months. Strings of random thoughts or insightful comments all to be put together to create a magical masterpiece to share with you all. I am pretty excited about that. I’ve been reading and listening to everything lately. Picture #5 in short circuit…” need input!”. And working…
A million little things
I am A culmination of those wonderful people who surround me,Who support me,Who encourage me,Who accept me. Falling in love is the best high We tend to obsess over whatever negative quality we think we possess, andcompletely miss out on all the positive attributes we may have to offersomeone. We all start out as confidentlittle…
These tangled necklaces – two of my favorites. One old, one new. As I grabbed them from my dresser to untangle, I paused and looked down. How they so clearly represent me, tangled between the old and new. Wanting to change everything and nothing all at once. I’ve been “writing a blog” for over…
Time, attention, and passion
Just keep showing up – that was my theme for the week. The hardest part about getting up so early to go work out is actually removing myself from my bed. Once I’m up, I’m good, turn on the coffee pot, change, then open my eyelids – in that order. 🙂 I have a few…
Letting go
What i mean when i say “I’m letting go”… It doesn’t mean I dont care about it the same way. I still have the same feelings. it just means I can’t give it all the energy I’ve spent on it. I’m taking back control of what’s in front of me. Instead, when it presents itself…
Thank you.
Thank you. A million times over, thank you. I’ll enter 2019 with my eyes wide open. Open to love, light, thought, and endless possibility. Every experience has brought you to now. Without those let downs, heartaches, and disappointments we wouldn’t have our eyes open to what could be. Be open. The best is yet to…
Greatness and love
Let’s talk about everything, a data dump if you will. A few years ago, after my mom passed away I was seeing a therapist. She was this cute little old woman. I had a hard time taking her seriously in the beginning when I would sit down and she would say “okay Laura, let’s talk…